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Chapter 9 Notes

Chapter 9 Notes

Q AT 690 Chapter 9 Notes (74 points) 1. Management is a very _______________ and _____________ changing enterprise. 2. This is true because it involves working with other __________ and ___________. 3. Unlike the stability of working on a finite piece of machinery, working with people, in the marketplace, and in our society is ________________. 4. Dealing with people management, the major skill set of service management, however is highly _____________________. 5. There are factors such as ______________ and ________________ relationships, and what is happening around the world around them, are unpredictable. 6. ________________ management attempted to break management down into a scientific, consistent and repeatable system. However, scientific management was not able to control the _________________. 7. The dynamic changing environment that you live and manage in requires that you have a broad knowledge base and are ___________, ____________ and ________________ if you want to succeed. 8. With people there are many variables that you cannot ________________ or _______________. 9. Management is said to be part _______, part_________, part ___________ and requires a lot of hard work and good luck. 10. A manager is a ___________holder, a ___________ and a __________. 11. The managers ___________ or __________ title tells everyone, both inside and outside of the organization that he or she is the person accountable for a well-defined area of total operations. 12. As ___________ _____________ of authority and responsibility within the organization, managers hope to command the respect of their co-workers by the merit of their character and behavior. 13. It is hoped that people with respect the manager as both an ______________ and a __________ holder. 14. The manager must be respected for his or her ____________ power. 15. The manager has been put in their position because of unique _______________ of the particular operation within the organization. 16. The manager is also expected to be best capable of translating the _________ and ____________ of upper management into operational decisions. 17. The employees look to their manager as both their ___________ and their ______________. 18. One of most important roles of the upper manager is as the ______________ of his or her workers to upper management. 19. To the _______________ the manager is the company. 20. When dealing with the manager the customer expects the manager to be able to make ______________, take _____________ and get _____________. 21. Work units frequently call upon their managers to make decisions ___________ and __________ on their behalf. This role is much like the role of a _______________ in court. 22. Managers are called up on to be _______________,_______________, and even ______________ _____________. 23. The manager must develop proper _________ and _____________ to maximize the accuracy and consistency of decision making ability. 24. What are three areas that are integral parts of management responsibility? (3 pts) 1. 2. 3. 25. An important skill set of the manager is the ability to make decisions on where to best use the limited, and sometimes even scarce, ____________ and ___________ resources to the organizations best advantage. 26. When things do not go as planned, it generally becomes the responsibility of the manager is to ___________, ____________ and ___________ a course of action to resolve the concern. 27. The manager should identify the different possible courses of action and determine the bes on while keeping in mind the goal of the ________________ and the __________________. 28. Many organizations lack effective planning and a philosophy of continuous process improvement and the manager can find himself in the position much like that of a _____________. 29. Effective _____________ is a foundational skill that is regularly called upon in every manager. 30. Negotiations are used in interactions with ____________, _____________ and customers. 31. Negotiation requires ______________, ______________ and the willingness to _______________, with the objection of finding a win-win solution whenever possible. 32. Being a decision maker is an essential part of being a manager but taking on the role as ______ decision maker is a _______________ trap that every manger must be careful to avoid. 33. You will always find employees that second guess the manager but why are they reluctant, when given the chance to give their input? (2 pts) 34. Everyone wants to be a hero but few want to be held _________________. 35. You cannot allow employees to abdicate their __________________ for their actions, coming to you every time for the _______________ decision. 36. If the employee is to be effective in their role the manage should be able to delegate not only tasks but the ____________________ power and _________________. 37. You cannot “____________ of delegate” or “________________ delegate”. 38. A _______________ is a pipeline that assures that something of value gets from one place to it’s intended destination. 39. An effective manager acts as a conduit for _________________ taking the responsibility, on a regular basis for communicating up, down and across the __________________. 40. Without _____________ and _______________ communication from the manager about the current status of the organization and plans for the future, the department cans easily become out of alignment with the direction of the company. 41. The department manager has, as part of his role, to be the ___________________ of the department. 42. The manager plays an essential role in communicating upwards the ___________ and ___________ of the employees. 43. The employees expect him to be an _______________ on their behalf to assure their needs are fairly considered and addressed. 44. The manager also communicates the _______________ directives down to the department, representing ______________ management, making sure that any important information is passed down to each employee in the organization. 45. A very important piece of guidance on being an effective conduit of upper management to the frontline employees is __________________. 46. You superiors and your employees expect that when you serve in the role of communicating management directives, you do so as the __________________ of management not as a _____________ party. 47. When a manager takes issues up the ladder to his supervisors, his employees expect the same ______________ and ______________ that he is willing to advocate on their behalf and as part of their team. 48. As a conduit the manager _______________ and ________________ the employees from unimportant and unnecessary distractions. 49. No matter what the business setting is, for a manager to succeed he or she must earn the ____________ of co-workers. 50. He or she must be efficient to get the best use out of the most ____________ resource, _________. 51. A manager who enjoys the _____________ of his employees is better able to get the most out of them and to foster a more ______________ and _____________ working environment. 52. Respect for the manger helps to foster greater employee ________________to the ____________. 53. What eight attributes does an ideal manager exhibit? (8 pts) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 54. _______________ is one of the foundational traits of a consistently high performing manager. 55. Efficiency speaks of your ability to be an ____________ to your employees of how to ________________ get the most out of yourself and provide them a living example of how they can do the same. 56. What are the seven attributes of an efficient manager? (7 pts) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 56. One of the most fundamental skills needed to effectively manage is the ability to ____________. 57. Delegation is the ability to get others to be an _______________ of management. 58. Many managers have risen through the ranks because they were the __________ at a particular job.

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AT 690 Chapter 9 Notes (74 points) 1. Management is a very complex and ever- changing enterprise. 2. This is true because it involves working with other men and women. 3. Unlike the stability of working on a finite piece of machinery, working with people, in the marketplace, and in our society is changeable. 4. Dealing with people management, the major skill set of service management, however is highly inconsistent. 5. There are factors such as personal and professional relationships, and what is happening around the world around them, are unpredictable.